John F. Kennedy Tea Rose


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Landscape Notes: The amazingly generous, white double blooms carrying a delicious licorice aroma create an intoxicating environment filled with hope and peace. From the magnificent purity of the color and theprecise complexity of the assemblage of as many as 50 petals in each flower, John F. Kennedy captures the essence of the beloved former U.S. president.

Exposure/Culture: Prefers moist, slightly acidic, well-draining soil. Roses benefit from the addition of compost, aged manure, or leafmold to the planting soil. To keep the flowers coming, feed your roses with a fertilizer blended especially for roses. This can be done after each bloom cycle. Spread a layer of composted manure, compost, or shredded leaves over the base of the plant in late fall after the ground freezes. Covering these mounds and the lower parts of the bushes with evergreen boughs will add protection. Pull the mounding material away from the stem as new growth emerges in spring. Prune injured branches over when new buds emerge in spring.

Other Notes: The distinctive, greenish buds open into blossoms throughout the season. Appealing in every season, the medium-green shrub grows from 3 to 5 feet high and 3 to 4 feet wide.The dark foliage forms a beautiful backdrop for the striking flowers, which blend well in the garden with every color and form.

Genus Rosa
Species John F. Kennedy
Container Size 3 Gallon
Foliage Color Green
Mature Height 3 - 5 Feet
Mature Spread 3 - 4 Feet
Soil Well Drained
Zones 7 - 10
Mature Form Upright
Growth Rate Medium
Sun Exposure Full Sun
Flower Color White
Fall Color Green
Bloom Period Summer

  • Model: 3 Gallon
  • Shipping Weight: 12lbs
  • 0 Units in Stock

This product was added to our catalog on Sunday 10 July, 2022.

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