
Cypress trees encompass a large group of trees all mostly grown in the northern temperate zone. The most extensively grown cypress in the United States is probably the Bald and Pond Cypress. Cypress trees have good disease tolerance and grow quickly. They can be used in many landscape settings.

The False Cypress family (Chamaecyparis) contains a myriad of plant sizes, foliage colors, and foliage appearances. False Cypress are widely used in rock gardens, as accents, specimens, borders, hedges, and in groupings. Generally speaking, they are easy to grow and do not require great amounts of care.

False cypress plants will attract the senses. The eye is attracted by the graceful and unique foliage many of the plants in this family exhibit. They can seem to blend into a landscape and become a focal point all at the same time. The many colors of this plant species extends from bluish gray, several shades of green, and to gold. Also, some of these plants have delightful fragrances.

Many plants in this Chamaecyparis family will tolerate some shade. Japan seems to be the consensus origin of these evergreen plants. They are considered to be quite hardy and generally disease and pest resistant. For best results grow in neutral to slightly acidic, well drained soils. Prune in late spring to early summer and make sure not to prune into old wood.

Item Name Product Image Price

Soft Serve Gold False Cypress

Landscape Notes: Soft Serve Gold false cypress is the perfect plant for adding year-round color to your landscape. It naturally grows as a dense...
Soft Serve Gold False Cypress $52.00


'Crippsii' Golden Hinoki False Cypress

Landscape Notes: Golden Hinoki Cypress, Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Crippsii’ is a noticeable accent plant or specimen. It is one of many lower growing...
'Crippsii' Golden Hinoki False Cypress $52.00

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'Fernspray' Hinoki False Cypress

Landscape Notes: ‘Fernspray’ False Cypress, Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Filicoides’ is a slender Hinoki Cypress that makes a nice specimen plant...
'Fernspray' Hinoki False Cypress $58.00


Gold Mop Cypress

Landscape Notes: ’Gold Mop’ Cypress, Chamaecyparis pisifera is a bold accent plant with noticeable color and habit of growth. It is well suited...
Gold Mop Cypress $46.00

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'Gold Rider' Leyland Cypress

Landscape Notes: ‘Gold Rider’ Leyland Cypress, Cupressus leylandii makes a beautiful lawn specimen, and deserves a well chosen site. It is often...
'Gold Rider' Leyland Cypress $22.00

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Leyland Cypress

Landscape Notes: ‘Leyland’ Cypress, x Cupressocyparis leylandii makes a beautiful lawn specimen, and deserves a well chosen site. It is often...
Leyland Cypress $22.00

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'Verdoni' Dwarf Hinoki False Cypress

Landscape Notes: ‘Verdoni’ Hinoki Cypress, Chamaecyparis obtusa is a mid size Hinoki that has dense foliage made of bright yellow fans. It has an...
'Verdoni' Dwarf Hinoki False Cypress $52.00

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